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AroundNL-34 The sod houses at L'anse aux Meadows recreate the 1000AD Norse settlement

The sod houses at L'anse aux Meadows recreate the 1000AD Norse settlement


AroundNL-36 Interior of the main sod house; surprisingly light an cozy

Interior of the main sod house; surprisingly light an cozy

AroundNL-37 Carolyn inspects the loom. The dividing wall is made from peat sod bricks which form a dry insulating material

Carolyn inspects the loom. The dividing wall is made from peat sod bricks which form a dry insulating material

AroundNL-38 Bog iron was smelted for the first time on the continent here at L'anse aux Meadows.

Bog iron was smelted for the first time on the continent here at L'anse aux Meadows.

AroundNL-39 A tabular iceberg several miles off the coast of L'anse aux Meadows

A tabular iceberg several miles off the coast of L'anse aux Meadows

AroundNL-41 Rugged beauty of the Northern Penninsula coast

Rugged beauty of the Northern Penninsula coast

AroundNL-42 Highway Gardens line the roads of the Norhtern Penninsula

Highway Gardens line the roads of the Norhtern Penninsula

AroundNL-43 The sheltered habor of Englee on the east coast of the Northern Penninsula

The sheltered habor of Englee on the east coast of the Northern Penninsula




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